Utilising CCTV technology via our remote control drain inspection camera systems, we’re able to capture high quality images of inside your drainage pipes and sewerage systems with minimal disruption.
Whether you’re experiencing drainage problems or simply want a comprehensive survey of a property’s existing system, a CCTV Drain Survey from AAA Drainage can provide you with a comprehensive report within 72 hours.

This unobtrusive service will provide you with an understanding of any issues that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.Our CCTV Drainage Surveys will be able to highlight any potential issues within your drainage system and could help you to save money further down the line. We also understand that time can be critical in these situations, which is why we aim to deliver all findings within three working days.If problems are detected during a CCTV Drain Survey, AAA Drainage will be able to offer you a competitive quote for any necessary repairs.

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With a continuing growth in Commercial & Housing Development, CCTV Surveys have never been more in demand in the ascertainment of Drainage Condition.
Whether we are surveying newly laid drainage for Developers and Water Authorities or the confirmation of existing drainage condition and location for proposed Re-Development, Water Authorities, Utilities Companies, etc, you can be assured that AAA drainage have the variation of CCTV Units to suit.
AAA drainage is continuously investing in the most advanced CCTV Equipment that Pearpoint (leaders in CCTV Pipe Inspection) can offer. This is evident in all CCTV Rigs which use Pan & Rotate Cameras, which allow us to identify the true pipe sizes of laterals entering a system and if indeed whether they are live or capped off.
All vehicles are fitted with on board computers which allow the fully trained personnel to produce CCTV Reports, Sewer .Dat Files and Mpeg 1-4 Recordings (on site). The CCTV Report in Hard Copy Format is also available whilst on site, via on board printers.

All Camera Vans are fitted with CCTV Equipment suitable in surveying pipes of 75mm Diameter to 2 metres plus in Diameter with a range of 500 – 600 metres surveying from any one point. Every effort is made in using the Pan & Tilt System which generally starts from 150 – 225mm Diameter Pipes.
CCTV Surveys that require access over rough terrain are tackled by our 4×4 Camera Unit which is suitable for pipes up to 600mm Diameter as standard and up to 2 metres in diameter upon request.
Our CCTV Rigs also carry on board water supplies should the occasion arise to decontaminate the Camera Unit when switching between Drainage Systems to Water Pipes & Fresh Water Causes